When looking at where to cut costs within your business, your internet network and its capabilities should not be one of them. Slow and unstable connection will hurt your business and cost you money, employee productivity and customer service. For a successful business, you need fast and reliable connections, otherwise, you can be sure that your prospective customers will look elsewhere.
reasons why unreliable and slow internet connection will hurt your business:
▶️ Productivity
Slow internet will affect you and your employee’s productivity. Tasks that should be quick will become slower as you’ll have to spend more time waiting for downloads, uploads and streams to load. This will affect almost all of your departments.
▶️ Customer Service
If you are lucky to get a customer, retaining them will be a lot harder with slower internet connection. Tasks that should be completed in a timely manner will take so much longer to complete, leading to incomplete or late tasks. This will directly affect customer relationships and overall service.
▶️ Response Time
It’s simple really, customers expect fast page loads and responses. Users will abandon your page if it does not load fast enough, and they will then find a better site resulting in you missing out.
▶️ Video Lagging
It’s clear that video meetings are on the rise. The success of your business and your reputation depends on fast internet connections. The last thing people in a virtual meeting want to see is a lagging video or an audio break up.
A slow internet connection can be a major headache, causing hours of frustration as information exchanges crawls along. Not only does it reduce conversions and productivity, but it can also make applications unattainable.
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