The Digital Workspace Works Podcast covers the ever-evolving digital workspace. The ecosystem that blends people, process and technology so that work can get done.
I was invited on to talk about The Culture of Microsoft Teams. Unified comms and collaboration tools are the modern knowledge worker’s Swiss Army knife, but making the most of these solutions is as much about culture as it is technology.
If your boss messages you at 6 p.m., are they expecting an immediate response or can it wait until the next day? These boundaries, already fuzzy in the digital workspace, have become even more difficult to define for those still adjusting to working from home as the new normal. The fix? Clearly defining your organization’s communication culture and expectations.
In this episode, Ryan Purvis and I discuss the intersection of workplace culture and Microsoft Teams.
Check out the podcast here.
Sourced from: TomTalks Blog. View the original article here.