Telecoms-Channel News Roundup – Week 16

TC Week In Telecoms

Welcome to the roundup of the top telecoms news for resellers, week 16. This week’s top news is featured from Tech Target, No Jitter, ApexBI, Reseller News, Channel Pro.

5 Tips for Selling Technology in Uncertain Times

Selling technology during a time of social and economic uncertainty can be challenging, awkward, and may even feel a little improper to you. While these feelings are certainly normal, just like you have your job to do – so do technology buyers.  Companies determined to make it through this crisis will continue to spend on solutions that help their employees and their businesses succeed.

Business Communications Will Never Be the Same

As we move into the fourth week of shelter in place in California, my home state, the capability of the IP-based meeting software to enable a large portion of us to continue to work from home is saving huge parts of the economy. Imagine if this virus had emerged in 1990, or in 1980 when cell phones were in their infancy. While there are challenges and hiccups, cloud-based meetings and collaboration software are critical to maintaining economic velocity over the next three months. And once the shelter in place measures lift, we will step out into a new world — one with a very different future for business communications.

Life After Lockdown: Managing Mobile Voice & Data

The current global pandemic has changed our working lives forever. Remote working, once considered to be a perk, now has the potential to become the norm for many organisations. We believe that it will. The temporary lockdowns will eventually lift, but remote working is here to stay and organisations need to start preparing themselves now.

Covid-19: How distributors should respond

Before Covid-19, the overall IT market was experiencing solid growth as the chief contributor to digital transformation deployments at customer level. But then in a matter of weeks, Covid-19 rocked the industry – simultaneously interrupting both the hardware supply chain (mainly out of China) as well as weakening overall customer demand.

Is the ‘new’ channel a threat to traditional partners?

Will the ‘shadow channel’ kill off legacy channel players – or have rumours of their impending death been greatly exaggerated?

IDC has predicted that by 2021 at least 30% of channel players will not exist in the format we know them today.


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