Patton: The Smallest, Least-Cost eSBC on the Planet

Designed to address new security threats of work-from-home, small-office, and enterprise users, Patton’s miniature, ultra-low-cost SOHO session border controller provides SIP demarcation, encryption, network protection, monitoring, and call quality assurance you can count on.

Introducing the SmartNode SN500

Right-priced for SoHos and SMEs, and providing 4 to 30 concurrent session-initiation-protocol (SIP) sessions, the new SmartNode SN500 provides network protection and protocol normalization (interoperability) for enterprise-class ALL-IP voice-and-data communications systems.

SN500 UCaaS Application drawing
SN500 UCaaS Application

As Buddy Oliver, Patton’s Vice President of Product Management put it:

“Now the little guys can finally afford to join the ALL-IP party—without overpaying for a secure demarc solution.”

SN500 SIP Trunk Application
SN500 SIP Trunk Application

She may be small, but she ain’t no weakling. Backed by the power of the Patton Cloud,  this lifeboat-sized little dingy carries a big shipload of capabilities, including:

  • SIP Demarcation
  • SIP Normalization
  • Network Protection
  • VoIP Security
  • Call Detail Records
  • Call Quality Monitoring
  • Alerts and Notifications
  • User-Friendly Interface

Mr. Oliver added:

“We are excited to offer the industry’s first entry-level session border controller. As a SmartNode, the SN500 is cloud powered, so it brings with it a host of valuable management tools and network edge orchestration features.”

Sourced from: Patton. View the original article here.

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