Look for Our Logo, Consult Our Member List, Urges ISPA

Membership of the Internet Service Providers’ Association of SA (ISPA) is valued and ISPA’s almost 200 members proudly display the logo of the non-profit that has helped drive down the cost to communicate in South Africa.

“Consumers should be on the lookout for the mark of trust that is the ISPA logo when searching for Internet access services,” says André van der Walt, chair of ISPA. “If your provider does not display this logo, then you should be asking what recourse you will have if services are not delivered as expected.”

ISPA provides effective, inexpensive mediation and dispute resolution in respect of complaints against its members. This is potentially extremely valuable to consumers in an environment where accessible accountability is difficult to find.

ISPA actively investigates the fraudulent use of its logo and name. However, any member of the public considering transacting with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) can reassure themselves of its claim to ISPA membership here: https://ispa.org.za/membership/list-of-members/. ISPA members can also be identified by the link to the ISPA Code of Conduct they must display on their websites.

“We live in the age of fact-checking. ISPA urges current and prospective voice and data consumers to expand their verification activities to the ISP space,” advises van der Walt.

ISPA membership in good standing is particularly sought after as the Association is the only industry body recognised by the government under the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act.

ISPA’s status as a recognised industry body means the government is satisfied that consumers will receive good service and accountability because ISPA members must abide by a mandatory Code of Conduct and, among other things, fully comply with a variety of licensing and registration requirements, as well as provisions to protect customer records.

Further Information

For further information, please contact the ISPA secretariat on the Contact ISPA page.

Sourced from: ISPA. View the original article here.

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