Customer Experience – noun
cus·?tom·?er ex·?pe·?ri·?ence | ?k?-st?-m?r ik-?spir-?-?n(t)s
The impression you leave with your customer, resulting in how they think of your brand, across every stage and touchpoint of the customer journey.
It’s been said there are three sides to every story. In a business environment, those sides are the business’ side, the customer’s side and the truth, which lays

somewhere in the middle. When you think about it that way, a positive customer experience is a vital part of any business.
But how important is contact center CX? What do businesses think? And, maybe more importantly, what are customers saying?
Contact Babel took a look at these questions and came up with some eye-opening statistics in The US Decision-Maker’s Guide 2019-20. Get a sneak peek in this infographic. You’ll see what businesses and customers say about the top three most important factors to a customer, plus much more.
See the full infographic here.
The post How Important is Contact Center CX? appeared first on Aspect Blogs.