How Great Leaders Use Analytics and Unified Communications Together

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As an explosion of remote and at-home workers hits the business world, the cloud-based unified communications services are prepared to facilitate this move. What might take longer to adjust is the managers who are unaccustomed to leading a team that is not in the same place at the same time. It is more difficult to monitor work activities, lead meetings, and make those personal touch points that many leaders have learned to utilize.

Some businesses have reacted by installing spyware on their remote workers, which, if done poorly, can undermine the employer-employee trust relationship. While this may give the employer more insight into the activities of their remote workers, direct spying doesn’t necessarily provide useful data. What appears to work more effectively is the utilization of AI enabled analytics tied to your most useful software to keep your remote employees focused and gather the information necessary to coach them.

Here are some areas that proper analytics can assist in the rollout and use of unified communications services and your ability to train and coach your workforce. 

Adoption’s Impact on Business Continuity

A report from J Arnold & Associates, commissioned by Prodoscore, gives us many insights, such as, “according to Frost & Sullivan, only 27% of US users have a mobile client installed.” This lack of installed software makes a quick pivot from in-office to remote work more difficult. In order to get more users on a mobile platform you will need for that software to be implemented and adopted.

Implementation refers to setting up the digital and physical infrastructure of a UC solution, while adoption covers the human to software interface with a will and skill focus. You must be able to get your employees on board with using the new tools before they can be effective, and you must be able to monitor their usage and comfort level in order to direct training where it is necessary. Finally, analytics can help create SMART goals to further increase proficiency.

Dig Deeper: Why Analytics Holds the Key to ROI with Unified Communications (UC)

Many buying decisions made to move a company to Unified Communications were driven by what is best for IT, and what saved the most money for the company. If the rationale was cost savings or making the IT department’s workload easier, this is not always obviously beneficial for the individual employee.

Your employees likely didn’t ask for any change, and some may actively resist it. It is incumbent on the leadership team to establish why this change is important and worthwhile. Or, as the insight report says it, “Find out how central [Unified Communications] is to their value proposition – and if it is, they should be able to provide proof points and references from customers showing high adoption rates among end-users.”

What Data Should Leadership Use

“Data becomes the currency upon which decisions will be made.”

Per the report, “Technology certainly has evolved, and UC has a big role to play by virtue of centralizing so many flows of digitized communication and information sharing.” With so much data being gathered, it can seem overwhelming to prioritize this flow from a firehose to a manageable trickle.

Related Blog: Crisantos Hajibrahim and Strategies Great Leaders Use to Avoid Analysis Paralysis

AI helps discover trends that might be easily overlooked by human eyes and brains by looking at relationships between varying data sets compiled from different systems. You can use these analytical tools to narrow the stream of data to focus specifically on the behaviors that drive the performance you want.

Measuring UC Productivity Through Analytics

Productivity has always been difficult to measure, but what’s not widely known is how today’s AI capabilities can bring new layers of insight that IT could not previously capture. Traditionally, the vast majority of voice activity was telephony-based, often running over the PBX. This becomes more difficult to measure because, for a variety of reasons, desk phones have lost their primacy in the workplace, and the downward trend of usage will only continue if not accelerate.

With AI-enabled analytics about system usage and call logs, you can see the patterns of behavior that drive productivity. Measure this against deliverables and you now have the data necessary to lead, manage, coach, and excel.

Related Video: Crisantos Hajibrihim of Prodoscore discusses Business Continuity Planning & How Technology Minimizes Disruption by Enabling Remote Workers for UCBuyer TV on YouTube.

The high-level points in this blog are expanded in further detail from Prodoscore in their insight brief: Why Analytics Holds the Key to ROI with Unified Communications (UC)

Sourced from: UC Buyer. View the original article here.

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