A lot has changed in the past two years as we were forced to navigate an ever-changing reality, but one thing that has emerged globally is the need to appreciate employees. It’s quite simple really, a happy workforce equates to a more productive workforce. But more than this, there is the ethical requirement of employers to prioritise the wellbeing of their employees. In the midst of the fourth industrial revolution, one of the ways to enhance employee experience is through the establishment of a smart office. This interconnected space seeks to minimise day-to-day hassle and provide employees with the support to get through daily tasks unimpeded. Here’s how this can be achieved.
What is a smart office?
A smart office is an innovative workplace that incorporates the latest Internet of Things (IoT) technology to help our staff work more efficiently. Using interconnected devices, tasks are made simpler and productivity increases while employees are kept happy.
How a smart office can improve employee experience
“Gartner predicts that by 2022, 60% of hybrid workers will prioritize a wellness-equipped smart office over a remote office.” – Gartner
1. Biometric or smartphone access
Employee access to buildings or between departments once relied on ID cards or ever-changing passwords. With a smart office, the hassle of entering and exiting buildings is minimised through aspects such as biometric access or even smartphone access. Biometric access requires a simple scan of a fingerprint or face, while smartphone access requires a password or barcode scan – all of which is so much simpler. For employers as well, the enhanced security offered by these forms of access is beneficial as well.
2. Temperature and light control
IoT-connected devices includes direct connection to the lighting and temperature within an office. Employees can have power of these devices linked to their smartphones. This allows them to:
- Adjust the interior lighting and blinds;
- Adjust the heat or air-conditioning according to weather requirements;
- Personalise temperature and lighting for an employee’s individual space;
- Control temperature and lighting from a distance – for remote access.
3. Smart parking
For those working in the corporate or industrial space, parking can often be a massive headache with employees wasting time unnecessarily looking for a space. With a smart parking app, employees are directed to an empty parking space which saves on time and hassle!
4. Digital wayfinding
While there is not much need for this feature in a smaller office space, the larger campuses can be incredibly tricky to navigate, particularly for new employees or visitors. Rather than just the reception area, desks and meeting rooms, corporate campuses can now include auditoriums, cafeterias, gyms and wellness areas, making them quite overwhelming for newbies. The location-driven technology gives an overview of the workplace, allowing new employees to find where they need to be as well as open meeting rooms and hot desks.
5. Task automation
One of the most beneficial factors of a smart office for employees is the automation of routine, manual tasks that used to take up so much employee time. The day-to-day activities such as inventory control, invoicing, customer support, scheduling and recruitment can now all be done by innovative software. This not only frees up time of staff to focus on other, more productive business-related tasks, this also eases the burden on employees and minimises frustrations.
6. Cloud-based rewards’ programme
A smart office can also include an incentive programme based in the cloud that tracks employee performance and rewards accordingly. This can be customised to the specific workplace, garnering real-time information and creating a positive work environment that does more than just pays salaries. Employees who want to do better are encouraged to – and rewarded for it!
7. Visitor management
In addition to enhancing the employee experience, the smart office also enhances the visitor experience by automating much of the administrative routines. This, in turn, enhances the employee experience as they’re not having to worry about visitor management. With smart parking, they’re able to locate a parking space with ease. Digital wayfinding ensures they don’t get lost looking for the meeting place. Smart access provides them with temporary access to the building through a smartphone or biometric access. From arrival to departure, there is minimal hassle and no delays.
Start implementing your smart office solutions with ECN, a leading data and hosted services provider that customise solutions to fit your technological needs. Show your employees what they’re worth and benefit from a spike in productivity with leading digital solutions.
Sourced from: ECN. View the original article here.