Imagine a world where employees work on computers that aren’t connected to the Internet, where documents are printed out and copies are distributed in order for colleagues to collaborate in person. It’s the same world where calls are missed if people aren’t at their desks to pick up the phone.
This fear of missing calls and losing sales is probably what stoked the notion that a successful business is one in which employees are physically present at the office, to take and make calls, attend meetings, talk to each other face-to-face, and ring in those sales.
You can’t blame them for this. It was just the way work was done a few years ago and to do it any other way for some is almost unthinkable. Especially if the costs associated with taking your business into the Cloud, let alone running your business in the Cloud seems far too expensive.
But that was then. Now we’ve entered an era of digital disruption and new technology, and customers, suppliers, service providers, and employees expect you to have the agility, resilience, fluidity, and connectivity that the Cloud provides.
Importantly, if your business is going to survive in this new world order, you need to embrace the Cloud, and now that a wider variety of cheap data services, specifically FTTH/FFTB from various ISPs, is available, it’s the perfect time for you to get Cloud Voice.
What is Cloud Voice?
It sounds overly technical, but Cloud Voice is simply a virtual phone system that’s hosted in the Cloud. You might know it as VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), Internet calling, or Cloud-based telephony.
You don’t need to bother with the hassle of physical installation. All you need is a reliable Internet connection, and now that data services have become even more affordable, this is the perfect time to get Cloud Voice and gain access to the latest communication features that will improve operational efficiencies and boost productivity.
7 Reasons Why You Should Switch
Switching to Cloud Voice doesn’t only save you money, but it is also a far more effective way to communicate and conduct your business. Particularly for small-to-medium businesses (SMEs), whose survival is likely to live and die on costs and efficiencies.
Here are six ways Cloud Voice can benefit your business:
1. COST CUTTING: In addition to leveraging the recent affordability of data services, Cloud Voice also means that you can enjoy reduced overhead costs, including software updates, management, and data storage because it doesn’t require expensive hardware or in-house storage equipment and application requirements.
2. ADDS FLEXIBILITY: Employees can make calls from their smart devices, from anywhere. Additionally, employees can be added or removed to your system, as can new features that will optimise your business and support your employees to do what they do best.
3. ENHANCES COMMUNICATION: Cloud Voice outperforms the functionality of traditional phone systems with a richer capability set that improves your employees’ ability to communicate both internally and externally, such as being able to work from integrated contact lists, collaborate with groups, see who else is available (even while working remotely), and call, text, instant message, or email from the office, home, their children’s school, or the doctor’s office.
4. SHIFTS COMMUNICATION FROM A CAPITAL EXPENSE TO AN OPERATING EXPENSE: Instead of the old model (a single, capital expense followed by unpredictable service and maintenance charges on an as-needed basis), Cloud Voice gives you more predictable expenses and significant savings through a predictable monthly operating expense that makes balancing your budget and dealing with resource limitations simple.
5. SEAMLESS IMPLEMENTATION: As a managed service that Huge Connect offers, we can customise your Cloud Voice solution by taking stock of your existing phones and communication technology, determining the bandwidth requirements for your business’ needs, and then seamlessly implementing it into your business with as little disruption as possible.
6. EMPOWERING YOUNGER EMPLOYEES: To attract, retain, and keep up with the best and youngest generation that has recently joined the workforce, adopting Cloud Voice really becomes a necessity. Especially given that this new generation of employees is most comfortable using mobile devices and apps to keep track of conversations, deliverables, and deadlines.
7. SCALABILITY: Cloud Voice, like any Cloud technology, is designed to scale with your changing requirements, and as experts in this arena, we are well placed to scale your Voice service to suit any decreases or expansions in your operations.
The reality is that landline phones are obsolete, so it’s likely you’ll have to upgrade to the Cloud at some point out of necessity. Sure, you can put it off and remain tethered to a landline system, but this means that you’ll be paying for out-of-date and inflexible technology until the mad dash to digitise your communications.
Are you interested in taking your company’s ability to communicate, collaborate, and operate with the utmost efficiency to the next level?
Let’s Connect.
Sourced from: Huge Connect Blog. View the original article here.