SIP desktop and paging units can now be used with Google text to speech using rest API. The prompts are downloaded in cached, which means the PBX does need to fetch the same prompt again.
Who will benefit from text to speech?
- University and schools
- Factories
- Clinics and hospital
Which paging units can I use with text to speech?
- Cyber Data device provisioning
- Desktop phones
- Multi-cast or unicast
- Any paging unit that supports SIP
What do you need?
- Vodia PBX running the latest build 66.07
- Vodia paging account
To test the functionality you can use the following curl command to initiate a text to speech response which will trigger the paging account on the vodia pbx.
curl -u admin:password –data ‘{“lang”:”en”,”text”:”Welcome to CVS. Please enter your prescription number or say your name. Someone will be with you shortly.”}’ –header “Content-Type: application/json” http://localhost/rest/page/88%40localhost/playback
curl -u admin:password –data ‘{“lang”:”de”,”text”:[“Ihre Order”,”5445″,”ist nun zur Abholung bereit”]}’ –header “Content-Type: application/json” http://localhost/rest/page/88%40localhost/playback
Sourced from: Vodia. View the original article here.