National State of Disaster due to COVID-19 – South African Telecommunications Sector

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[29 April 2020]

Risk Adjustment Strategy Regulations – detailing directions from 1 May 2020 [480_43258] (29 April 2020)

Disaster Management Act – COVID-19 occupational health and safety measures in workplaces [479_43257] (29 April 2020)

Fabric Face Masks – Recommended Guidelines (Department: Trade, Industry and Competition)


[20 April 2020]

Zero-Rating Application Form (…application to have a website zero-rated in terms of the Electronic Communications, Postal and Broadcasting Directions…)


[16 April 2020]


[15 April 2020]

Harmonisation of Short Code ‘111’ For Covid-19 National Emergency Services


Covid-19: SA ICT Task Team Response

The South African ICT Industry, as a multi-stakeholder community , has established an Industry Task Force in response to the COVID19 pandemic.

[7 April 2020]


[6 April 2020]

“The I-ECS and I-ECNS who needs access to this band need to demonstrate the impact on network performance will be with additional spectrum. The following method can be followed:

  1. Provide the network performance report before the COVID-19 outbreak with the currently assigned spectrum holding;
  2. Provide the current network performance;
  3. Indicate the Areas that are highly constrained;
  4. Provide the network projections during the national lockdown;
  5. Indicate the band you require access to and the bandwidth required (For the immediate use only);
  6. Provide the modelled network performance with the additional spectrum you require; and
  7. Provide benefits to be realized by the consumers (i.e. reduced data prices, free daily bundle to all the customers, wi-fi connectivity etc.)”


[27 March 2020]


[26 March 2020]


[25 March 2020]

[25 March 2020] Overview of briefing by Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams:

  • Fake news
    • Engagement with platform owners to quickly remove any fake news, agreement signed with department
  • Access to Telecoms infrastructure and digital services
    • Too much traffic
      • ICASA considering providing spectrum relief in accordance with the law, to make sure spectrum is returned after crisis, failing which the regulator will determine what will happen with the temporary spectrum
  • Type approval
    • Network equipment and handsets
      • New equipment needs to be available; cannot take 90 days (ICASA still needs to follow all processes without fail), pre-determined criteria for providers
  • Tracking and tracing
    • Working with Department of Health; Operators have agreed to provide data analytics
  • Support:
    • Education
      • Working with basic education – Provision of broadcast and virtual classrooms
      • Dedicated SABC channel and two studios for virtual classrooms
      • Facilitated with USAF funds
    • Health
    • Local government
      • SITA will assist with connectivity + service providers
  • 100 million in funds are being provided to enable small business to carry out the above
  • All broadcast licensees must broadcast relevant information, as well as the MNOs
  • Prohibition on price increments & number porting
  • Operators have zero-rated relevant sites (educational, gov, health)
  • Easter Sunday
    • DSTV / SABC partnering with google to broadcast Easter Sunday service


[24 March 2020] You will no doubt have seen the President’s address that SA will be entering lockdown from 26 March until 16 April. According to the President: The categories of people who will be exempted from this lockdown … include those involved in the maintenance of … telecommunications services … A full list of essential personnel will be published.

There are understandably many concerns and questions regarding the impact this will have. We are monitoring the situation and will provide updates and pertinent information as it comes in.

Sourced from: Ellipsis. View the original article here.

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