This report forms part of BMIT’s suite of reports on ICT expenditure in government.
This report examines the national and provincial tiers of government.
The overall sizing of government ICT spend is assessed, and the report focuses in particular on the government departments and provinces that have big ICT budgets, as well as spending trends and big deals which are significantly impacting the socio-economic and political environment in the country.
Segmentation of the data is provided according to the BMIT ICT definitions of communications and IT hardware, software and services.
A separate report details the ICT at local government tier, and a third report looks at state-owned enterprises.
Research methodology
This report is the outcome from using secondary research techniques and sources, as follows:
The February 2022 Budget for national government – both published Votes for each department and unpublished audited ICT expenditure data provided by National Treasury.
- Similarly, the 2022 Budget for each province, and provincial ICT data, made available by National Treasury to BMIT, is used to ascertain the provincial spend.
- Additional information obtained from SONAs, SOPAs, other speeches, and IDPs, APPs, SIDPs, annual reports and other strategic plans.
- Secondary research utilising a wide variety of resources, including Statistics SA, and ICT industry news sources.
- BMIT’s internal research database and experience.
BMIT appreciates the cooperation from National Treasury in releasing unpublished, detailed data on audited ICT spend for the past five years up to and including financial year 2021/22, which enables BMIT to present as accurate as possible a picture of both the size of government ICT expenditure, specific ICT categories of spend, and the extent to which departments and provinces use SITA.
Since the forecasted estimates for the MTEF period for the national and provincial budgets are not available at the same level of ICT detail, forecasting in this report is based on those more accurate audited numbers, and premised upon the available Budget MTEF estimates as well as BMIT’s own forecasting, which represents our ‘most likely’ view taking into account the credibility of each of the above sources.
Table of Content
BMIT ICT category segmentation
Research methodology
Economic Overview
- GDP and economic prospects for South Africa
- Government’s role in the economy
Total Government ICT Spend
- Total government spend on IT and telecoms
- Total national and provincial ICT spend
- Summary of national & provincial ICT spend, 2019/20 – 2024/25
Major National ICT Programmes and Policies
- The Integrated Justice System (IJS)
- SA Connect
- SA Connect Phase 1 to date and planning for Phase 2
- The revised SA Connect Phase 2 has 3 implementation streams
- Progress to date on Phase 2
- Spectrum Planning and Assignment
- Future regulations, as declared by ICASA
- Other important policy and regulatory developments
- Presidential Commission on 4th Industrial Revolution – History
- PC4IR SIP – Strategy, Structure and Approach
- Progress in 2022 with the PC4IR programme
- PC4IR Strategic Position 4 and government modernisation
- The role of the CSIR and associated entities
ICT Agencies and SOEs
- ICT SOCs’ rationalisation programme – background and history
- ICT SOC rationalisation programme – progress in 2022
- SITA (State Information Technology Agency)
- BBI (Broadband Infraco)
- BBI revised 2030 Strategic Horizon
- Sentech
- ICASA (Independent Communications Authority of South Africa)
- CASA’s mobile broadband services regulation
National ICT Spend
- National government departments’ ICT spend 2017/18 – 2024/25
- IT and telecoms spend categories, proportion of actual spend of national government departments 2021/22
- National departments’ ICT spend: SITA versus non-SITA, 2021/22
- Top 4 national departmental ICT spenders
- Top national ICT spenders: in addition to the top 4 ICT spenders,
- National Department – Police ICT expenditure
- Some of the major recent ICT deals contracted by the South African Police
- National Department – Home Affairs ICT expenditure
- Home Affairs ICT projects
- Some of the major recent ICT deals contracted by the Department of Home Affairs
- National Department – Justice ICT expenditure
- Some of the major ICT deals contracted by Justice departments
- National Department – Defence budgeted ICT spend
- Some of the major recent ICT deals contracted by the National Treasury
- Some other major recent ICT deals contracted by the Department of Forestry, Fishing and Environment
- Some other major recent ICT deals contracted by other national government departments
- Some other major recent ICT deals contracted by other national departments
Provincial ICT Spend
- Provincial government ICT spend 2017/18 – 2024/25
- Provincial ICT spend by categories
- Provincial government ICT spend in 2021/22
- Provincial government spend through SITA services, 2021/22
- Gauteng government ICT spend 2021/22 and forecast
- Western Cape government ICT spend 2021/22 and forecast
- KwaZulu-Natal government ICT spend 2021/22 and forecast
- Eastern Cape government ICT spend 2021/22 and forecast
- Limpopo government ICT spend 2021/22 and forecast
- Mpumalanga government ICT spend 2021/22 and forecast
- North West government ICT spend 2021/22 and forecast
- Free State government ICT spend 2021/22 and forecast
- Northern Cape government ICT spend 2021/22 and forecast
Research team
The team for this research Penny Smith, Brian Neilson, Clinton Jacobs and Christopher Geerdts. This team has extensive sector experience in this field, having conducted these studies annually for more than a decade.
Further information
For further information and details on how to subscribe to this research please contact Anita Mathews |011 540 8000 | 082 466 2317 | anita@bmit.africa
Sourced from: BMIT Blog. View the original article here.